Your first purchase on every server will get you the Explorer's Pack for Free!
Event Time: Starting when the server opens, there is no time limit to get it!
Event Contents: When you make your first gem purchase, you'll receive the Explorer's Pack, worth $25 for free!
How to Claim: To claim, after you make your first purchase, click on the Explorer's Pack icon in game, and then click the Claim button on the Explorer's Pack popup.

Purchase Gems and earn more bonus rewards as a VIP player!
Event Time: Starting when the server opens, there is no time limit to get it!
Event Contents: At each VIP tier you reach we've prepared a valuable gift to make your more competitive.
How to Claim: After you reach each new VIP level, you can click on the VIP Rewards icon in game. Then you can click the claim button for the level you have reached!
*You can claim the VIP rewards for your current level and any previous level if you have not already.

Complete the Beginner's goals daily to earn huge gem and resource rewards.
Event Time: These rewards are active for the first 7 days you play on a server.
Event Contents: Complete the daily goal each day for the first week you play Tynon and you'll earn huge rewards.
How to Claim: After you've completed your daily goal you can click the Beginner's Rewards icon, then then the Claim button for the current goal.